80% of New Years Resolutions fail by February. Yes, 80%! I can think of several new years resolutions I have made that I have failed at: losing “x” number of pounds, being more punctual, going to the gym every day at 6am, etc. I’m sure we have all had some great intentions, but somehow, we still ended up failing or not seeing these resolutions all the way through.
In the book, “One Word That Will Change Your Life”, the authors present the concept of focusing on “one word” for the year as opposed to a new year’s resolution. The simplicity of committing to “one word” for the year instead of a resolution creates focus and clarity and ultimately is more likely to be successful. I read the book in 2015 and implemented the concept of “one word” versus a resolution starting in 2016 and it honestly changed my life! I took the authors’ advice and looked up the definition of the words I was contemplating. Once I chose my word, I found ways to implement it into my life as often as possible.
CONFIDENCE was my word for 2016. Going into 2016, I was going through some pretty big life changes. I had just gotten out of a five year relationship, my grandmother had passed away, and I had moved to a new city for work where I didn’t know anyone. I had somewhat lost who I was in my relationship and wanted to feel like myself again. I had always been outgoing and confident and I wanted to get this back.
Choosing CONFIDENCE as my word in 2016 led me to competing in my first ever bodybuilding competition. I had always had an interest in competing, but never thought I was “good enough” to do it. Since Confidence was my word for 2016, I decided to go for it! I’m so glad I did. Through competing, I learned how to love my body at all stages and realized that I am fully in control of my physical health. Mentally, competing helped me realize that I can achieve more than I ever thought I would be capable of. Achieving this goal has given me the confidence to go after other dreams that I had previously felt were out of reach.

In 2017, I chose PURPOSE as my word. By 2017, I had my confidence back. I earned a promotion to be a State Manager with my company, which was a role I had been working towards for several years. I rediscovered my love for health and fitness and was excited to continue teaching group fitness classes and to compete again. My life was filled with friends and family who loved and supported me. Things were good, but what was it all for? What was I put on this earth to do? Was I using the skills and talents that God had given me to help others and make a difference in the world? By focusing on my purpose, I zoned in on what I truly wanted to accomplish in my life. I started to use my skills as a fitness instructor by volunteering with the special Olympics. I started to share my fitness journey in hopes that it might help motivate and inspire others to go after their dreams. By focusing on my PURPOSE, I started to work on living a great and meaningful life as opposed to just a good life.

DETERMINATION was my word for 2018. 2017 was a year of focusing on my purpose and what I want to accomplish in this life. Determination is what I needed in 2018 to make it all happen! This word fueled me to finally achieve my pro card in the NSPIRE Sports League which was a goal I had been working towards for a few years. Using the word “determination” brought a lot of focus to setting and achieving goals for 2018.
2018 was one of the first years that I wrote out my goals and put a plan in place to achieve them. I didn’t accomplish all of them, but my determination led me to make some big progress! I achieved my pro card, started speaking at universities to help college students live healthier, traveled to Europe for the first time, wrote and launched my first fitness program, and started my blog. There is still a lot I would like to achieve, but determination was the perfect word for 2018 and focussing on it the entire year was a big key to my success.

So what’s my word for 2019? LOVE! Witnessing my grandfather’s passing in 2017 and the months I spent with him leading up to it were some of the most beautiful expressions of love I have ever experienced in my life. Living near my grandfather the last three months of his life allowed me to see what a loving man he was (even more than I already knew). Every time I would visit him, he would start crying tears of joy and tell me over and over how much he loved me and how we have such a wonderful family. In his final days, he was surrounded by his children and grandchildren. He hadn’t been coherent for a while, but it was as if he knew when all of his children were there. He used every last bit of strength he had to tell us one more time that he loved us. It was a sad, but beautiful experience. It made me realize that I want to live my life the way my grandfather lived his. He made sure everyone knew that they were loved, without question. He passed this loving nature down to my father. My Dad is the most loving and selfless person I know.
Having people in my life who love in such a giving way have inspired me to love more in 2019 in three different ways. First, I want to give more love to my family, friends, colleagues, strangers, and basically everyone! Second, I want to add more service into my life. A big goal of mine is to expand my work with college students in 2019. Lastly, I want to love myself more in 2019. Often times, we are our worst critic and leave ourselves as a last priority. By choosing love, I hope that I am constantly reminded that it is okay to love myself and make taking care of my mind and body a priority.

What do you want to accomplish in 2019? Whether it is a goal focused around your health, family, or career, I definitely recommend checking out the book, “One Word That Will Change Your Life”. The concept of committing to a word for the year instead of a resolution has brought so many good things into my life. For the first time, I can say that I have set a New Year’s “resolution” and stuck to it! Don’t be part of the 80% that fail by February. Be better. Be the 20% that truly goes out there and makes this year the best year of your life!
Awww!!! What an amazing story!! You have LOTS of LOVE from God, family, fans, and friends! Also lots of love to give! Thank you for being such an inspiration and helping others achieve their goals in such a fun way! #fallintofitness #1fan #hypegirl 😘💜🙏🏻🙌🏻
Thank you, Andrea! Thank YOU for inspiring me! So proud of what an amazing mom you are and at your dedication to achieving your fitness goals!!!!! Thank you for all of your love and support!!!! xoxo