When was the last time you had a coach? Growing up, we are surrounded by people coaching us. We have our parents guiding us to be good human beings, coaches for the different sports we play, and teachers educating us and preparing us for our future careers. We spend the majority of our lives being coached, but once we get to adulthood, the coaching isn’t as prominent. Apparently, we’re supposed to have everything figured out by now, right? Definitely not!
Over the last few years, I have realized the power of bringing back coaches into my life. Specifically with health and fitness, it can be extremely challenging to figure out how to achieve our goals on our own. With a lot of confusing information out there, we can easily get frustrated or not know where to look for the right information.
It’s no surprise that the times when I’ve had the most success as an adult with my health and fitness goals have been with the help of a coach. I’ve accomplished great things on my own, but hiring a coach always pushed me to the next level. Here are a few examples:
- GETTING STRONG AND CONSISTENTLY KEEPING OFF MY COLLEGE WEIGHT GAIN- After going from an athlete in high school to gaining 35 pounds in college, I educated myself on nutrition and was able to lose the weight on my own. However, I did not know how to exercise properly and my weight fluctuated frequently. I hired a personal trainer after college and learned about strength training. This helped me to maintain my weight consistently and also developed a strong and toned look to my body
- LOSING MY WINE INDUSTRY WEIGHT GAIN- Starting a career in the wine industry brought on a whole new level of challenges for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I gained eleven pounds after starting a new position with my company. I signed up for small group coaching as a way to hold me accountable. Investing money in the program helped motivate me to make it to the 6am workouts three days a week. I lost the weight and even won a 60 day transformation challenge at the gym! This also took my athleticism to the next level
- BECOMING A PROFESSIONAL BIKINI ATHLETE- Entering the competition world, I knew I needed an expert in the field to help me achieve this goal. For the last three years, I have competed in bodybuilding competitions and each year I had a coach that would determine my diet and exercise regimen. I was required to check in weekly and sometimes even daily closer to competition day. In addition to a prep coach, I also had posing coaches to help me prepare. When you look at professionals in the bodybuilding world, most of them have coaches. Yes, the competitors are knowledgeable because they participate in their sport, but almost all competitors hire a coach for that extra motivation and expertise. Several professional competitors have coaches year round and not just during the time they are preparing for a competition.
Look at professional sports teams. Most of the athletes will have anywhere from five to ten coaches guiding them to lead their full potential on a daily basis. Why shouldn’t you have a coach also? 2018 was a year where I set out big goals for myself. I hired a coach to help me take my life to the next level with fitness, in business, and personally. She helped me to organize my goals and get clarity on everything I wanted to accomplish. She continues to be a big influence in my life and is coaching me towards even bigger goals in 2019! I have a nutrition coach to help me find balance after competing. I hired someone who is an expert in this area so that I could reverse diet properly, be held accountable, and set myself up for a healthy competition season in 2019.
It’s more than okay to reach out for guidance when looking to achieve big goals. Finding a coach will hold you accountable, provide knowledge as an expert in their field, motivate you to reach new levels, and will help you reach your full potential. Nowadays, it is easier than ever to access the help of a coach through online coaching services. There are so many people out there available to help you. Now the question is, who is a reputable coach that can get you there? I am fortunate enough to work with so many incredible people in the health and fitness industry. Here are ten coaches that I know or have worked with personally. They are all experts in their field with different services to offer. Whether it’s utilizing their online coaching services, subscribing to their blog, or following them on social media, these are amazing women that can help you achieve the goals you set for yourself!

- ASHLEY WIENS- Health and fitness professional who is passionate about teaching others real life methods fro long term results by eating real food with realistic macros and a plan that fits your lifestyle. Website: http://www.ashleiwiensfitness.com Instagram: @Fitfabash

2. CARMEN OHLING- Helps ambitious women achieve endless energy and live their best lives by n ourishing their bodies and minds. Website: http://www.carmenohling.comInstagram: @Carmenohling

3. KRISTEN CROWLEY– Lifestyle and fitness TV host with a passion for connecting people with the information they need to live a simple and healthy life through recipes, interviews, and product testing. Website: http://www.kristencrowley.com Instagram: @kristencrowleytv

4. SARAH BURNAP– Mental skills coach who works with people who want to enhance their performance ability in different ways such as fitness, work, performing arts, and business. Website: http://www.sarahburnap.com Instagram: @sarah_burnap

5. BOBBI PARKER HALL- Creator of the Modern Bodies Program. Guides women going through mid-life changes on how to get their best bodies ever and live a life full of confidence and passion. Website: http://www.bobbiparker-hall.com Instagram: @modernbodiesfitness

6. CASSIE LAMBERT- Her “Lift Like a Boss” Program helps women crush the weights with confidence! Website: http://www.cassielynnlambert.com Instagram: @cassielynnlift

7. NATALIE WADDELL– Personal trainer and nutrition coach specializing in personalized macro plans. Her goal is to teach a realistic and sustainable lifestyle through fitness and flexible dieting. Website: http://www.fortunatfit.com Instagram: @fortunat.fit

8. OEMIL RODRIGUEZ– A nutritionist who is passionate about teaching how to maintain a healthy lifestyle and balancing life into fitness. She provides the tools you need to break through the yo-yo diets and have long term results. Website: http://www.oemilrodriguez.com Instagram: @dra.oemil_ifbbpro

9. DARLEEN SANTORE AKA COACH DAR– Coach Dar has coached me since the summer of 2018 and has made a tremendous difference in my life! She helps you “raise the bar” in your life and coaches you to live well, be well, and serve well. Website: http://www.coachdar.com Instagram: @thecoachdar

10. DR. MEGAN RIGBY AKA MACRO MINI– She is currently coaching me with my nutrition and helping me to find a healthy balance after competing. Megan is a Doctorate Prepared Nurse Practitioner with years of experience in digestive and hormonal health. She is on a mission to help others become healthier and happier versions of themselves, while still enjoying food as one of life’s simple pleasures. Website: http://www.themacromini.com Instagram: @macro_mini

If you are looking to take your overall health to the next level, I highly encourage you to hire a coach or at least look to these women for guidance. Adding coaching back into my life has helped me to achieve some of my biggest goals over the past few years. We are fortunate that in today’s world, we can easily access experts in their fields to help us accomplish anything we want. Take advantage of the resources available to you and let’s crush some big goals in 2019!
Kathleen Jane
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